Senior Manager, Partnerships
Joe Herrity joins the team at the Stuart Foundation as interim Senior Program Manager, and is the Principal at Groundwork Social Sector Consulting and where he focuses on organizational development, collective impact networks, collaborative learning and design, and nonprofit governance. Joe has spent the past 20 years traversing the social sector with a primary focus on youth development, workforce development, holistic career pathways, and collective impact systems change efforts. He proudly serves as a founding Ally Advisor to the Youth Liberation Movement, a young-adult-led organization in Santa Clara County working to help public systems and agencies center lived experience expertise, and is an inaugural member of the Youth Committee of the work2future Workforce Development Board, and a member of the Board of Directors for SIATech. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from San Jose State University where his graduate research focused on the evaluation of personalized guidance and support for Opportunity Youth in reengagement education settings. Joe cares deeply about designing for equitable power sharing and inclusive process, and earned the BoardSource Certificate of Nonprofit Board Consulting and a certificate in Human Centered Design from IDEO.