Our Approach
Learning and Impact
The Foundation regularly monitors trends in statewide data and policy developments, engages with grantees to understand the impact of their work and our grants, and supports networks, funder collaboratives, convenings and other activities through which key issues and themes can emerge. We know that meaningful and sustainable change takes time and a willingness to learn together as we go. Our patience coexists with a sense of urgency to capture learning from the field and from our work.
Our Focus on Systems
As a foundation committed to systems change, we work to examine and understand the status and needs of students, the education system’s core components, the quantity and quality of resources feeding the system, the policy imperatives placed on the system, and how the system serves students as measured by outcomes.
How We Observe and Adapt
The Foundation works collaboratively with partners to gain insights and adjust strategies by reflecting on their efforts, assessing the political contexts and predominant narratives or frameworks, and tracking changes in the education system’s capacities and outcomes. This emergent approach enables us to adapt to evolving shifts in practice, research and policy, to monitor progress towards achievement and equity, and to promote continuous learning within and beyond our organization.
Retrospective Reviews
While we act with a sense of urgency for adolescents today, we understand that a system as large and complex as public education will not change rapidly. We are committed to periodic, time-bound reviews of our progress to allow for new learning and ideas to refine our pursuit of meaningful and sustained shifts in the field.